Use to clean carburetors, linkages, automatic chokes, heat riser valves, PCV valves. To cool automatic choke thermostatic coils, springs, and pistons for fast adjustment.
For Carburetor and Automatic Choke:
With Engine Off: Spray liberally to thoroughly wet exterior of carburetor body, linkages, choke and adjacent surfaces. allow 1-2 minutes soak. Then flush soils from surface with force of spray.
With Engine Running: Remove choke cover and clean internal components. Replace cover and adjust choke. Choke and Carburetor Cleaner leaves surfaces clean - no residues to trap dirt, dust, grease.
For Manifold Heat Riser Valves: Spray ends of heat riser valve shaft while working counterweight up and down. Do not oil shaft after freeing.
For PCV Valves: With Engine Off Remove PCV valve and detach rubber hose. Spray ends of valve and let cleaner penetrate. Clean valve and rubber hose with air pressure and replace assembly.
NOTE: Choke and Carburetor Cleaner may damage paint. Avoid contact with automobile finishes.